iPhone Xr vs iPhone 11

iPhone Xr vs iPhone 11

iPhone Xr vs iPhone 11

Let’s do a comparison between the iPhone XR vs iPhone 11 in 2022. Now both these phones are a little bit older. Unfortunately you can’t buy the iPhone Xr or brand new anymore, but you can buy the iPhone 11 brand new. You can still pick up an iPhone Xr  in the certified refurbished market, I think especially in the used market, so keep that in mind. Other than that, these phones are very similar but also very different. If you have the money, I would highly recommend going up to the iPhone 11. This is a very solid phone and I love this phone a lot, but the iPhone Xr is also a very good. Now side by side you can definitely tell that they are almost exactly the same thing.

Initial Impression – iPhone Xs vs iPhone 11

Design wise they were almost identical to be honest. And even on the back we have a single camera set up on the iPhone XR where the iPhone 11 we had a dual camera setup. Now I do think the single camera setup layout is a little bit outdated now, but again it’s totally OK With the iPhone 11, that dual camera setup is definitely much better. We have wireless charging on both, IP certification on both as well, so they are very, very similar on the outside. The main difference, you know, as far as I can tell is that dual camera setup, which is actually a pretty big deal in my opinion. So in terms of the outside Lightning ports, you know, no headphone jacks or anything like that on the outside, that pretty much covers it. Now this is the bigger thing in terms of longevity.

iPhone Xr vs iPhone 11 – Display Screen

They both have 6.1 inch IPS panels on the front and there really isn’t that big of a difference. As far as I can tell they are both very good. Maybe the iPhone 11 is a little bit better, but honestly I can’t really tell, you know from a day-to-day task. I’ve been using both these phones for a very long time and I couldn’t really tell that big of a difference. The notches at the top of the screen are also almost the same size as well in terms of thinness and thickness. You can also see roughly around the same thing. I don’t really think there’s even that big of a difference here. So that’s another cool thing.

iPhone Software Support & Updates

The iPhone 11 is definitely going to outlast the iPhone X or as far as we know now, there’s still a chance where the Xr is going to be getting extra software versions and hope maybe it’ll last as long as the iPhone 11, but realistically the iPhone 11 is probably going to out last the iPhone Xr. The thing to keep in mind is that the iPhone success is still supported with software, so
in my opinion, even if you do pick up an iPhone Xr or you’re still going to be in a very good situation, you’re still going to have lots of software support for sure for many yer to come and I think that’s a really big thing to keep in mind, so whether you have an iPhone Xr vs iPhone 11, you are still supported with software for a long period of time now. So in terms of that, that is a really, really big thing to keep in mind.

Performance – iPhone Xr vs iPhone 11

Let’s go ahead and do a speed test between them too. So they’re both on the latest version of iOS 15.3 that just came out the iPhone Xr with three gigabytes of RAM. With the iPhone 11 has four gigabytes of RAM, so let’s go and see which one is the fastest one between both of these. OK, there we go. All the Apps work cleared in the background, let’s get into it. Phone calls 321,
Almost the same thing. Not that big of a difference. Let’s do Music 321, the Xr seemed to be a little bit faster.  Now trying scrolling, the iPhone 11 was faster scrolling through, we can see if there’s a difference and it doesn’t really look like there’s a difference. So we’ll just kind of keep scrolling through that one helping out here. Let’s open IOS Mail, iPhone 11 was faster hopping out of this one. Now let’s open photos iPhone 11, Slightly faster there. Let’s get into their Cameras iPhone Xr vs iPhone 11 roughly the same opening the camera.
We’ve kind of been seeing that the iPhone 11 was the faster one each time. But to be honest, I’ve kind of mentioned this a couple of times before the iPhone XR was really fast, but now it’s kind of glitching all over the place. And I think that has a lot to do with iOS 15. For some reason, iOS 15 really hindered a lot of what these iPhones could do. And that was a very weird. I never really understood that I was 13 wasn’t even that big of an update. And the iOS, you know, the iPhone 11 is a very fast device, but I don’t remember it being this much faster than the iPhone Xr or to be honest.

iPhone Xr Camera vs iPhone 11 Camera

Now let’s go ahead on the cameras. Now like I just mentioned, something like the iPhone 11 is going to be the better camera. You have a dual camera set up on the iPhone 11, a wide and an ultra wide sensor where the iPhone XR has a single wide angle lens. They both can do 4K 60 on the back, but the iPhone 11 can do 4K 60 on the front. That is a massive, massive thing to keep in mind. Now something like the iPhone XR camera, you still have quite a bit of capability. You know, like I said 4K 60 on the front. You do have 1080 at 60 on the on the back. So you have 1080 60 on the front, 4K based on the back. I’m confusing myself and it’s still a pretty good camera, you know, I’ve done a lot of camera comparisons with this iPhone as well and it’s done a really, really good job. You know, still takes videos, photos, portrait mode. You do miss out on things like cinematic mode that the new iPhones have, but the iPhone 11 doesn’t have it either, so there’s no point in bringing it up. I still think this camera is really good and I don’t really have too many complaints about it now. It’s something like the iPhone 11 camera. Honestly, I don’t really think there’s like a big difference in terms of like how the camera looks, you know, in terms of like the actual photos or anything, but that ultra wide sensor is a really cool option to have and it’s definitely one of my favourite things about the iPhone 11. It’s one reason why I keep recommending this phone to people is just because it’s that good of a device, has a lot of capability. You still have the same things like portrait mode and things, but you have that 4K at 60 on the front which is a really good resolution to have to pretty much future proof yourself forever. So the iPhone 11 camera is definitely better, but the iPhone Xr camera really isn’t that bad and if it came between both, I mean I’d like the iPhone Xr but the iPhone 11 is definitely the better one too.

Final Thoughts

To be completely honest, when it comes down to both of these, I do think the iPhone 11 is a better one than the iPhone XR. But the iPhone XR is still a very good phone. You know, I haven’t had too many complaints about this phone throughout my several years of owning it. You know, I think the first day I had it, that was like the worst day. But then after that, it’s been getting better and better since I was 15 and has taken a toll on this device, which is very sad. I think the battery life has gone down quite a bit. I think, you know, the actual performance of this one has gone down too, but that’s pretty much the same case with all of the iPhones that came out., so it’s really not even that big of a deal at this point. I think this iPhone still has tonne of capability, so it’s a tonne of quality and I’m still a huge fan of this phone for sure, but the iPhone 11 is definitely the far better one here. I mean, it’s quite obvious this one has a lot of capability. It’s faster, it has better cameras, potentially better battery life, I mean the whole 9 yards. This is a very good phone. I think if I were you, I mean I would probably recommend buying the iPhone 11, but if you own an iPhone Xr or you know, you could still keep it, there’s still supported, there’s not that big of a difference between them. If you’re buying one, the iPhone 11 is one for you, but if you want to buy the best iPhone, go for the iPhone 13, but bear in mind the cost of an iPhone 13 screen repair compared to the cost of an iPhone 11 screen repair is substantially more & note that the iPhone 13 has the fast charge battery, which are not lasting very long at all, so you may need an iPone 13 battery replacement before you need an iPhone 11 battery replacement.  no I am not joking, this is a reality.